Check out the items available for the raffle! 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Lost N’ Found Youth, an Atlanta-based non-profit that helps LGBTQ+ teens and young adults experiencing homelessness.


Pride Pack ($40 value)

The Pride Pack includes a signed copy of Reclamation, a scented pride-themed candle (you can pick the flag design you want!), and pride-themed stickers.

About the donors:
Reverend Kali Cawthon-Freels is a bivocational pastor, writer, and spiritual director based in Atlanta, GA. She currently serves as the Pastor of Congregational Care at The Faith Community and works as a Spiritual Director at Reclamation Theology; she is also the author of Reclamation. When Kali is not pastoring or writing, you can usually find her cooking up something fun in the kitchen, hiking, playing nerdy board games with her wife Haley, or cuddling with her two adorable cats.

NerdHouseStudio is an Etsy store where local artist Haley Cawthon-Freels creates nerdy, fandom, and pride-based crafts. These crafts range from candles to Christmas ornaments to canvas pieces. All glass artwork is actually upcycled from the Cawthon-Freels family’s regular grocery store purchases (we eat a lot of salsa and pickles at our house). Check out the Etsy shop.

Beyond Deconstruction Kit ($40 value)

Let’s be honest, deconstructing your faith is hard. How do you keep faith while in the midst of deconstruction? How do you keep faith afterward, too? As pastors at The Faith Community (TFC), Kristian Smith, Kali Cawthon-Freels, and the rest of the pastoral staff strive to create healing spaces that give folks the opportunity to process their deconstruction while also articulating the things about God that matter to them. Breaking all the Rules and Reclamation both contain practical advice for folks in the midst of deconstruction. 

About the Donors:

You’ve already read a bit about Kali; here's a bit about Kristian and TFC.

Reverend Kristian A. Smith is a man of many talents. It's not enough to just call Kristian a clothier, or a pastor, or a stylist, or a theologian, or a podcaster, or a consultant, or a speaker, or a spiritual director, or a leader. As a Cultural Curator Kristian helps his clients and congregants develop how they see themselves on the inside and how others see them externally. He understands that God looks at your heart and humans look at your outer appearance. His mission is to help you maximize both. He is also the lead style consultant with P-Squared Custom Clothiers where he develops the professional images of his clients. Kristian is a fashion aficionado, a foodie and a cigar enthusiast who enjoys lifting weights (but hates cardio). He is married to his beautiful wife, Pamela Merritt.

The Faith Community is an Atlanta-based church with nation-wide impact, as our members span from Atlanta to New York to Seattle. Our core values include The Greatest Commandment, Bible criticism, racial justice, LGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation, and women’s empowerment. We strive to be disruptive, authentic, and inclusive in all aspects of our ministry, be that from our cigars and spirituality group, our Let’s Talk About Sex podcast, or any of our other unique ministries. Kristian serves as the Lead Pastor and Kali serves as the Pastor of Congregational Care.


Commissioned Art Piece ($20-$75 value)

For this raffle item, you get to choose! If you win this prize, Haley from NerdHouseStudio will create a pride-themed or fanbase-themed art piece of your choice. You can choose one of the following pieces/sets for your pride or fandom-based dream:

  • 4-piece ornament set

  • 4-piece tealight set

  • 1 large candle

  • 1 decorative bottle or jar

  • 1 9 inch x 12 inch canvas

Items pictured are for reference only, just so you can get a feel for what they look like. Check out the Etsy store for more examples.

About the Donor:

You’ve already read about NerdHouse =)

spiritual Direction Package ($350 value)

This spiritual direction package contains 4 1-hour long spiritual direction sessions with Rev. Kali Cawthon-Freels that you can keep for yourself or gift to a friend. 

Check out the Spiritual Direction page to learn more about spiritual direction with Kali. 

About the donor:

You’ve already read about Kali =)